Eat 1 plant based meal every day for 60 Days.
Don't know how?
Don't worry we will have free recipes, tools, and resources to guide you.
Register for FREE & get 10% off our new B12 Spray as well as a short FREE recipe e-book since your part of the challenge!
Bonus: You will also be emailed a short FREE e-book that shows you what foods you can eat to get all your nutrients when you sign up today!
The next challenge date will be announced in your email once we know
According to the American Heart Association eating a plant based diet may reduce the risk of dying of heart disease by about 31%!(1)
Eating a plant based diet can reduce your risk of developing type 2 Diabetes by around 34%!(2)
Vegetarians have about 34% less risk of developing Hypertension!(3)
The Journal of the American Heart Association study found that a plant based diet lowers the risk of all cause mortality by 25%!(4)
The American Institute for Cancer Research says the best way to source cancer-protective nutrients, including fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals, is to eat a diet rich in vegetables, fruit, grains, beans, nuts, and seeds.(5)
The highest consumers of fruits and veggies had a 21 percent lower risk of stroke than those who consumed the least according to a study.(6)
A review of nine studies found that eating an extra 100 grams of fruits and vegetables per day (about one-half cup) led to a 13 percent reduction in the risk of cognitive impairment and dementia. (7)
Hey There! We are Immortal.
Our mission is to give people the knowledge and tools they need to be the healthiest version of themselves.
I started this challenge to give people actionable steps to start living the life that they dreamed of.
I promise you will have the most rewarding experience of your life in this challenge.
Anyone can join who wants to take action and is open to a whole foods plant based diet.
It is ok to join late. Just start doing your core objective with the rest of the group and start the weekly challenge we are on if you would like.
It is absolutely free to join and is free all the way through the whole challenge.